
Global Online Job Platform

Jobilio – Global Online Job Platform

The social impact that Joblio creates is measurable. Every person who finds work on Joblio app does this in an ethical , transparent and compliant way without having to pay for job placement. Joblio continues to help people all over the world even when the governments of host countries are overwhelmed with humanitarian crisis. Joblio […]

Hiring Ukrainians

Best Practices For Hiring Ukrainians In Canada

Canada has received nearly 60,000 applications from Ukrainian refugees since March 22nd, leading businesses across the country to search for the best practices for hiring Ukrainians. Many HR departments want to know how to hire Ukrainians, yet not all of them are sure which industries hire Ukrainians or what skills these talented migrants possess. Implementing […]

Ukrainian Refugee Program

Joblio Launches Ukrainian Refugee Program

Today on International Women’s Day, Joblio is celebrating women in the workforce all around the globe. Yet while we celebrate, millions of women are endangered by war and crime, especially in Ukraine, where over 2 million refugees – mostly women and children – have already been displaced. Joblio is committed to helping women in the […]

Labour Shortage

The Simple Solution To Germany’s Labour Shortage

The German workforce is steadily aging, with countless companies looking for workers who simply can’t be found. A range of professionals from technical engineers to bricklayers are in high demand, with many pointing to the robotic efficiency of automation as a solution to this problem. That simply won’t be enough, however. The simple solution to […]

Labour Shortage

Robots Won’t Solve Our Labour Shortage – But Human Workers Can

Ongoing labour shortages continue to frustrate growth in virtually every economic sector. Countries across the developed world are clamoring for solutions, with many pointing to robots and automation as the future of work. In reality, human workers are far more flexible and capable of filling our immediate labour needs than their robotic counterparts. The ongoing […]

Joblio Unveils Strategic Partnership

Joblio Unveils Strategic Partnership With ICEJ To Champion Human Rights

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem partners with Joblio to fuel economic growth. Joblio is pleased to announce the formation of a strategic partnership with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) to fuel economic growth across the world. The cutting-edge technology platform will now coordinate with ICEJ to connect employment seekers around the globe with recruiters […]

Romania’s Labour Crisis

A Simple Solution For Romania’s Labour Crisis

The people of Romania are dealing with a crippling labour shortage that’s throttling long term economic growth. There’s a simple solution for Romania’s labour crisis – import more talented workers who have the skills needed to fill in vacant job postings. At Joblio, we’re developing an innovative technology platform to help Romanian business owners do […]

Joblio’s ACE Program

Joblio’s ACE Program Is Revolutionizing Migrant Assimilation

Labor shortages around the world are putting a serious strain on supply chains and companies of all sizes. Migrant laborers are being called upon to solve these shortages, yet high churn rates mean that employers are constantly seeking new migrant laborers who are costly to import, train, and acclimate to local norms. A more efficient […]

Integrating Refugees

Demand Ethical Recruiting Now: Integrating Refugees into the Global Community

Last year the world watched in horror as Afghanistan fell to the Taliban in mere weeks. While the images of refugees are both heart-wrenching and infuriating, for those who survive this gauntlet, there are hosts of parasites and middlemen who wait to take advantage of their desperate status. I was a refugee and later, a […]
