Employing Refugees in Canada Canadians plan to welcome hundreds of thousands of refugees and economic migrants to their country over the next few years. This will include Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET), a large number of Afghan refugees, and people arriving from other countries all around […]
More...Canadian Enterprises Create Social Impact By Hiring Refugees and Immigrants Hiring Refugees and Immigrants. In the next few years, Canada is expected to welcome hundreds of thousands refugees. Among the individuals who will be coming through the program are almost 100,000 Afghans, 100,000 Ukrainians who fled the invasion of Russia, and up […]
More...Joblio reduces staff turnover by Helping Foreign Employees in Crisis It’s no secret that employee motivation is essential to a company’s success. But what happens when your employees are faced with new challenges, such as moving to a new country for work?. For many migrant workers, the psychological shock of being away from their family […]
More...Despite Automatisation, Canada Is Still Experiencing A Staff Shortage Oxford Economics, an analyst firm, has released a report which reveals that more than 20 million jobs around the world will be replaced by robots by 2030. But according to a study by Craig Lamb, policy advisor at the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 58% […]
More...Канада, всупереч автоматизації, все ще відчуває кадровий голод Аналітична компанія Oxford Economics підготувала звіт, згідно з яким до 2030 року понад 20 млн. робочих місць у всьому світі замінять роботи. Проте, згідно з дослідженням Крейга Лемба, радника з питань політики Брукфілдського інституту інновацій та підприємництва, 58% професій у Канаді мають низьку або дуже низьку ймовірність автоматизації. […]