
Joblio Team

Thank you from the Joblio Team

We wanted to thank our community for continued support of Joblio and human rights around the world. Joblio’s mission to set a new global standard in the ethical and efficient relocation of global migrant workers wouldn’t be possible without your contributions.  Over the past year, we’ve achieved a number of milestones worth celebrating. In addition […]

Migrant Community Management

The Joblio Method Of Migrant Community Management

Countless communities across the developed world are in dire need of additional workers. Ensuring the quick integration of migrant labourers into our communities is of the utmost importance to meet the critical labour shortage currently besetting the global economy.  The Joblio method of community management is an incredibly effective strategy for ensuring the successful integration […]

Integrating Refugees

Integrating Refugees Into The Global Community

The world is watching Afghanistan with bated breath as harrowing images of refugees flood the internet and international airwaves. Vulnerable populations are being left high and dry as the Taliban’s influence solidifies across the country. All the while, partisan political infighting continues to distract the global community from a crucially important mission – saving refugees […]

Migrant Stories

Migrant Stories: Amal Elsayed’s Harrowing Escape From Abuse

Every year, tens of millions of people suffer under the yoke of human slavery. Enduring terrible working conditions and meager wages, these individuals often desire a better life abroad but lack the resources or know-how to find work in a new country. Such is the story of Amal Elsayed, an Egyptian national who underwent immense […]


Interviste su Joblio Inc. (2° parte)

Source Interviste a Jon Purizhansky, ideatore e Ceo di Joblio, e David Arkless, presidente di Joblio Montecarlo. Interviste del 6 luglio 2021, ‘in ordine di apparizione’ Di Joblio continuo l’introduzione dalla scorsa uscita, che conteneva la prima intervista in merito, quella a Valentina Castellani Quinn, Global Media Communication e Spokesman della società. JOBLIO. Presidente e […]

Humanitarian Accomplishments

Joblio CEO Recognized for Outstanding Humanitarian Accomplishments

Source The Abrahamic Business Circle honored Jon Purizhansky for his exemplary humanitarianism MIAMI, Aug. 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Joblio CEO Jon Purizhansky was recently honored by the Abrahamic Business Circle in Dubai for his outstanding humanitarianism in the field of global migration (related link: https://youtu.be/cgvBoSQSRG0 ). Purizhansky was granted the “Excellence Innovation Award in Human Rights […]


Interviste su Joblio Inc. (1° parte)

Source Intervista alla Global Media Communication e Spokesman di Joblio, Valentina Castellani Montecarlo. Intervista del 5 luglio 2021, ‘in ordine di apparizione” Della società Joblio Inc. una breve introduzione prima dell’intervista. Di Valentina Castellani ho già parlato nella sua veste di produttrice alla Mostra Internazionale d’Arte cinematografica di Venezia edizione 2020: https://www.traders-mag.it/intervista-a-valentina-castellani-quinn/. Proprio con Valentina inizio […]

Valentina Castellani Quinn

Joblio Welcomes Valentina Castellani Quinn As Global Spokesperson

Joblio, Inc., is pleased to announce that Valentina Castellani Quinn has been appointed global spokesperson for the innovative technology platform. Miss Castellani brings award-winning film and production experience to the worldwide technology platform, where she intends to raise awareness about the plight of the world’s most vulnerable migrant populations. The celebrated film producer and head […]


Joblio Inc. da Miami a Montecarlo per il CC Forum

Source A Montecarlo con JOBLIO inc.! Nel pomeriggio del 6 luglio, in una bella giornata di sole caldo, il Principato di Monaco ha atteso gli arrivi dagli States e da UK di chi, nel 2020, ha dato forma all’App e alla società Joblio Inc., avente sede a Miami (Florida, USA), e di chi ne è un prezioso advisor. Nell’ordine: […]
