Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is made by Joblio Inc. under the legal requirement set out under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act (2015). As a developed society, it is our duty to make migration positive and empowering for those who abandon their lives coming to our countries and improving our economies.

Joblio is a technology company that is reinventing the process of global recruitment of personnel. We are changing the way international recruitment of workers is done by implementing new technologies in order to effectively cut out middlemen and protect migrant workers from fraud and abuse. Our mission is to bring ethicality into an industry that has been plagued with fraud, abuse, and shady tactics for far too long.


Joblio is dedicated to its obligation and moral responsibility to avoid participating, either directly or indirectly, in modern day slavery. We take every step necessary to ensure modern day slavery has no place in our company or any company we are partnered or otherwise involved with.


Joblio has a clear set of policies designed to help our employees identify and eliminate any risks in connection with modern slavery.

Code of Conduct
  • Joblio is committed to making sure all employees, clients, ambassadors, and service providers conduct themselves to the highest standard of ethical conduct. Our commitment is upheld through our Code of Conduct, which lays out our principles and procedures that allow our business to operate honestly, safely, and responsibly.
  • At Joblio we have three core beliefs that are the foundation for our corporate values: PEOPLE, PURPOSE, and PASSION. Through these foundational values, our Code of Conduct ensures we put the rights and safety of all people first.
  • Joblio trains all employees on the Code of Conduct on an annual basis.
Individual Rights
  • Joblio has an Individual Rights Policy to make sure the human rights of our employees, clients, ambassadors, and service providers are protected and upheld.
  • Our policy is clear that we do not employ child, bonded or forced labour and we expect the same practices to be in place from our partners and service providers.
  • Joblio’s Whistleblowing Policy provides guidance to employees and stakeholders who may become aware of any modern day slavery within our business or our partners’ business on the proper actions and steps to take in the reporting of such violations.

Due Diligence

Joblio Inc takes every measure necessary to ensure our services do not use any kind of forced, bonded, or child labour. We also make every effort possible to ensure that our applicants, partners and service providers operate with honesty and integrity.

Joblio only partners and contracts with fully licensed and registered businesses throughout the world. We continuously monitor our partners to ensure they comply with legal as well as our ethical standards. Included in our contractual agreements is a clause that prevents any partners or service providers from participating in modern slavery.

Risk Assessment

Joblio conducts information verification analysis on all partners and service providers to ensure each business is operating legally and ethically. In order to pass our verification, businesses must be able to prove they operate in accordance with all labour laws in both their origin country as well as any country they are operating in while in contract with Joblio.

Measuring Effectiveness

At Joblio we take multiple measures to ensure our policies are successful in eliminating any possibilty of modern slavery. These measures include:

  • Annual review of our policies related to modern day slavery
  • Reporting incident procedures that are reviewed annually, as well as when any incident is reported.
  • Reporting any incidents in both host and origin countries of our operations and analyzing the potential risk.
  • Updating policies and procedures after incident analysis anytime there is risk found.
  • Providing appropriate training along with raising awareness among the staff members.

Training for Staff

As mentioned above, in the Code of Conduct section, all our team members are given an annual training that addresses all of our policies regarding modern day slavery, as well as any new changes or updates that may have been made to our policies.
We have added a Whistleblowing Policy for 2021 to help guide employees on the proper way to report modern slavery violations. In addition all of our policies and procedures training make employee health and safety a top priority and have guidelines in accordance with local, national, and international labour laws.

Jon Purizhansky

Founder of Joblio Inc.