
Job Abroad

How to Get A Job Abroad – with No Risks and Expenses

The beginning of 2022 saw the greatest migration of the past 30 years. Millions of people had to escape countries with unstable economies and low standards of living, leaving their homes behind in search of a better life and better wages. Those who have not yet made the decision to relocate will do so once […]

Labor Migrants

Labor Migrants who came to the UK got into a Debt Bondage

In response to the global staffing crisis, Britain called out to workers in other countries to help ease the pressure. However, many of them ended up paying thousands of dollars in illegal fees. After leaving her home in India, Meera Stephen came to Britain to work at a nursing home. She was one of thousands […]

A Night for Ukraine

“Bad Roads” will be part of the event “A Night for Ukraine”

On June 23, international diplomats and Hollywood film producers will gather at the Saban Theater to show their support for the people of Ukraine. The event, which is organized by Quinn Studios Entertainment, will feature a panel discussion with Dmytro Kushneruk, the consul general of Ukraine in Los Angeles. It will also be attended by executives from various film […]

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day

Today is The International father’s day Day. We would like to celebrate the occasion with you by sharing some important statistics on migrant workers. According to The World Bank analysts, the amount of family remittances is expected to increase by 4.2% in 2022, reaching $630 billion. In 2021, the amount of money that  migrant workers sent to […]

Ukrainian Refugees

“Men’s work” for female Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

Ukrainian women who fled the war are now offered jobs in traditionally male-dominated sectors. The reason for this fact is a growing staff shortage in several industries, namely: consumer goods industry, logistics and trade. More and more employers are offering the refugees to work as pickers handling stock products at warehouses. Their duties include sorting the […]

Ukrainian Refugees

“Męska praca” dla Ukrainek w Polsce

Przymusowym uchodźczyniom z Ukrainy zaczęto proponować “męskie” stanowiska. Powodem tego jest rosnący niedobór pracowników w niektórych sektorach polskiej gospodarki, głównie  w przemyśle lekkim, logistyce i handlu.Coraz więcej pracodawców oferuje migrantom pracę jako pakowacze gotowych produktów w magazynach. Zadania pracowników obejmuje sortowanie towarów (np. dzianin, środki chemii gospodarczej lub artykułów żywnościowych) i przygotowywanie ich do przeniesienia na wózki widłowe. […]

Worker Shortage

Niedobór pracowników w Polsce bije kolejne rekordy

Jeśli jesteś kierownikiem firmy, prawdopodobnie borykasz się z problemem braku pracowników. W lutym 2022 r. rozpoczął się błyskawiczny exodus pracowników w Polsce. Do połowy maja sytuacja nie tylko nie ustabilizowała się, ale wręcz uległa dalszemu pogorszeniu. Liczba wolnych miejsc pracy w kraju wzrosła o 35%. U menedżerów ds. rekrutacji pojawia się pytanie, jak szybko znaleźć […]

Worker Shortage

Poland’s Worker Shortage has Reached a New Peak

If you’re a company manager, you must be dealing with a lack of qualified workforce. In February of 2022, Poland saw a massive labour outflow. By mid-May, the situation had failed to stabilize, while the negative trend continued. The number of job openings in Poland has increased by 35%. All this poses the question of […]

labor Shortage

Life hack: kako se brzo može riješiti problem deficita radne snage u Hrvatskoj

Ako ste i sami poslodavac, onda se i vi suočavate s nedostatkom radne snage. Stopa nezaposlenosti mjesečno je porasla za 7,4% od studenog prošle godine. Tvrtke su se suočile s problemom sporog pronalaska i zaposlenja radnike. Joblio će vam pomoći da zaposlite motivirane radnike. Naša baza podataka nudi profesionalce s 45 tržišta koji su spremni […]
