
Ukrainian Refugees

“Męska praca” dla Ukrainek w Polsce

Przymusowym uchodźczyniom z Ukrainy zaczęto proponować “męskie” stanowiska. Powodem tego jest rosnący niedobór pracowników w niektórych sektorach polskiej gospodarki, głównie  w przemyśle lekkim, logistyce i handlu.Coraz więcej pracodawców oferuje migrantom pracę jako pakowacze gotowych produktów w magazynach. Zadania pracowników obejmuje sortowanie towarów (np. dzianin, środki chemii gospodarczej lub artykułów żywnościowych) i przygotowywanie ich do przeniesienia na wózki widłowe. […]

Worker Shortage

Niedobór pracowników w Polsce bije kolejne rekordy

Jeśli jesteś kierownikiem firmy, prawdopodobnie borykasz się z problemem braku pracowników. W lutym 2022 r. rozpoczął się błyskawiczny exodus pracowników w Polsce. Do połowy maja sytuacja nie tylko nie ustabilizowała się, ale wręcz uległa dalszemu pogorszeniu. Liczba wolnych miejsc pracy w kraju wzrosła o 35%. U menedżerów ds. rekrutacji pojawia się pytanie, jak szybko znaleźć […]

Worker Shortage

Poland’s Worker Shortage has Reached a New Peak

If you’re a company manager, you must be dealing with a lack of qualified workforce. In February of 2022, Poland saw a massive labour outflow. By mid-May, the situation had failed to stabilize, while the negative trend continued. The number of job openings in Poland has increased by 35%. All this poses the question of […]

labor Shortage

Life hack: how to quickly solve the problem of labor shortage in Croatia

If you are an employer yourself, then you too are facing a shortage of manpower. The monthly unemployment rate in Croatia has risen by 7.4% since November last year. Many companies have faced the problem of stagnant growth. Joblio will help you find and hire motivated workers. Our database offers professionals from 45 different industries […]

Work Permits Turn Refugees

How Work Permits Turn Refugees Into An Economic Lifeline

The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine has sparked a refugee crisis across Europe that threatens the largest humanitarian disaster since World War II. Nevertheless, the worst outcomes can still be avoided with sound work policies that teach companies the best practices for hiring Ukrainians. Fair work opportunities turn refugees into good neighbors. Work permits, an […]

Global Online Job Platform

Jobilio – Global Online Job Platform

The social impact that Joblio creates is measurable. Every person who finds work on Joblio app does this in an ethical , transparent and compliant way without having to pay for job placement. Joblio continues to help people all over the world even when the governments of host countries are overwhelmed with humanitarian crisis. Joblio […]

Hiring Ukrainians

Best Practices For Hiring Ukrainians In Canada

Canada has received nearly 60,000 applications from Ukrainian refugees since March 22nd, leading businesses across the country to search for the best practices for hiring Ukrainians. Many HR departments want to know how to hire Ukrainians, yet not all of them are sure which industries hire Ukrainians or what skills these talented migrants possess. Implementing […]

Stephen Schueler

Stephen Schueler, CEO of Enerjen Capital, Former Maersk Chief Commercial Officer, Corporate Vice President Microsoft and Head of Procter and Gamble Retail Operations, Joins Joblio Advisory Board

Joblio, Inc, is pleased to announce that Stephen Schueler is joining the Board of Advisors for the global technology platform. Mr. Schueler is the Chairman of European Maritime Finance, Inerfuel and CEO of Enerjen Capital, one of the world’s leading renewable clean energy companies specializing in the maritime industry. As the Chief Commercial Officer at Maersk, Mr. […]
