Joblio Unveils Strategic Partnership

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem partners with Joblio to fuel economic growth.

Joblio is pleased to announce the formation of a strategic partnership with the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) to fuel economic growth across the world. The cutting-edge technology platform will now coordinate with ICEJ to connect employment seekers around the globe with recruiters in need of new workers.

The ICEJ is well known for hosting an annual Christian celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, which attracts  thousands of  participants from almost 100 countries.

The strategic partners will come together at the forthcoming Feast, eight days of celebration across Israel. Virtual attendants from around the world will be exposed to countless job offers thanks to Joblio’s diverse array of employment opportunities. The event is set to kick off with an exciting roll call of nations, allowing Joblio and ICEJ to illustrate their global reach as they work to bolster human rights abroad.

Joblio and ICEJ are mutually committed to fighting for fair wages and working conditions around the world. By combining their strengths in key areas, the two partners will better serve vulnerable populations that are on the move.

“Joblio serves to connect workers with better living opportunities around the world,” said Joblio CEO ჯონ პურიჟანსკი. “With the help of our new partners at the ICEJ, we’ll be able to generate more job growth around the world than ever before.”

“Both ICEJ and Joblio provide assistance to vulnerable populations such as migrants entering new lands for the first time. The mutual humanitarian values of the two partners will be the lynchpin of our future cooperation”, – noted Barry Denison, Chief Operating Officer, ICEJ.

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