work abroad

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day

Today is The International father’s day Day. We would like to celebrate the occasion with you by sharing some important statistics on migrant workers. According to The World Bank analysts, the amount of family remittances is expected to increase by 4.2% in 2022, reaching $630 billion. In 2021, the amount of money that  migrant workers sent to […]

labor Shortage

Life hack: kako se brzo može riješiti problem deficita radne snage u Hrvatskoj

Ako ste i sami poslodavac, onda se i vi suočavate s nedostatkom radne snage. Stopa nezaposlenosti mjesečno je porasla za 7,4% od studenog prošle godine. Tvrtke su se suočile s problemom sporog pronalaska i zaposlenja radnike. Joblio će vam pomoći da zaposlite motivirane radnike. Naša baza podataka nudi profesionalce s 45 tržišta koji su spremni […]
