Labor Migrants

The growing pace of globalization around the world, accompanied by economic changes in industrialized countries has resulted in increasingly complex migratory dynamics around the world. Modern-day migration is a global phenomenon, affecting the lives of more people than ever before, and it is clear: the pace of international migration is unlikely to slow in the future.

With more than 1 billion people estimated to be living outside their country of birth, almost no country is untouched by international migration or isolated from its effects. With poverty, political repression, human rights abuses, and conflict pushing more and more people out of their home countries. Economic opportunity, political freedom, safety, and security are pulling both highly skilled and unskilled workers into new lands, continuing to complicate the migration landscape.

Migrant workers make important contributions to the labor market and global economy. Understanding these impacts is important to maximize the benefits of migration, especially by improving migrants’ employment conditions.

  • Migrants accounted for 47% of the increase in the workforce in the United States and 70% in Europe over the past ten years.
  • Migrants fill important niches both in fast-growing and declining sectors of the economy.
  • Like the native-born, young migrants are better educated than those nearing retirement.
  • Migrants contribute more in taxes and social contributions than they receive in benefits.
  • Labor migrants have the most positive impact on the public purse.
  • Employment is the single biggest determinant of migrants’ net fiscal contribution.
  • Migration boosts the working-age population.
  • Migrants arrive with skills and contribute to the human capital development of receiving countries.
  • Migrants also contribute to technological progress.

With significant increases in labor mobility, globalization of the labor market became more and more essential over the last decade. Yet, numerous shortcomings and gaps in the existing international legal and recruitment framework show that many migrant workers lack the protection they need. The world’s recruitment model is obviously broken as, despite the positive experiences of many migrant workers, a significant number face undue hardships and abuses in the form of low wages, poor working conditions, the virtual absence of social protection, denial of freedom of association, and workers’ rights, discrimination or exploitation.

Why Are Migrant Workers So Vulnerable?

Global assessments suggest that a substantial proportion of labor migrants end up in situations of extreme exploitation, some of whom are identified as victims of human trafficking or fraud. Usually, with limited access to trusted resources, migrants frequently need third-party sources to help them, which often leads to high risk and even scams in many cases. Let’s dig into some stats:

Large numbers of workers take out loans to pay for visas, travel, and recruitment fees often charged by middlemen. In addition, local banks, lenders, and recruiters sometimes require workers to leave deeds to property or titles to automobiles as collateral. These kinds of predatory lending practices leave workers extremely vulnerable.

When these workers encounter abusive or unsafe working conditions, the choice becomes even more daunting. The necessity to earn back borrowed money can force workers to continue working in dangerous or abusive conditions. The lack of transparency in the hiring process, the paucity of government oversight of recruitment activities, and the scarcity of information available to workers about their rights puts workers — and even whole communities — at serious risk of fraud across the world. Today fraudulent recruiters organize town meetings to present their falsework opportunities during which dozens or hundreds of workers attend and pay fees. However, these individuals do not have real employment opportunities or contracts to offer workers. So the Consequences are painful.

How Does Joblio Fight the Exploitation of Migrant Workers?

Indeed, there are a huge number of unreliable companies, and, unfortunately, many employees have dealt with these issues and gotten into serious trouble. The good news is that from now on employees have the ability to check and verify the data of all employers and the vacancies they offer.

Workers no longer have the need to run away and search for a better-paid job in order to be able to repay their debt because this debt no longer exists. From now on their human and working rights are protected at all levels. Protection of human rights is the foundation on which Joblio was built, as Joblio cooperates with the International Organization for Migration, International Labour Organization, and all appropriate government agencies of host countries.

Joblio also provides direct connectivity between employers and employees, eliminating all middlemen from the ecosystem and improving the lives of millions of people around the globe.

“JOBLIO is a technology-based recruitment platform and compliance engine that prevents fraud and provides a transparent and efficient hiring process for the global labor market. JOBLIO technology brings light into the darkest space in the world — the industry of global relocation of human capital.”, Joblio’s CEO, Jon Purizhansky mentions.

Today the platform is totally free of charge for all employees and global vacancies are being updated daily! In addition, all users can get work permit paperwork assistance, banking services, remittances, education in a destination country, and even arbitration in employer-employee disputes if needed.

Joblio strives towards achieving fair deals between Employees and Employers and invites you to join us in this mission!

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