Hear from expert Recruitment and Talent Management Leaders as they present ethical and efficient solutions to talent shortages.

Event Details

Hear from expert Recruitment and Talent Management leaders as they present ethical and efficient solutions to labor shortages and other hiring challenges in a special event organized by Joblio (joblio.co) and sponsored by FGF Brands (fgfbrands.com).

Senior leaders of Canadian enterprises focused on Human Resources; Talent Acquisition; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion; and Corporate Social Responsibility are invited to join this insightful event and learn from expert speakers, network with industry professionals, and engage in lively discussions on ethical hiring practices and talent management. Distinguished speakers and industry leaders will share their insights and best practices on ethical hiring and retention strategies for immigrant talent.

This event includes keynote addresses, panel discussions, and presentations covering topics such as human trafficking, immigration policies, building human ecosystems, and best practices for refugee hiring and retention.


RSVP: Registration is now open for this free event, but availability is not guaranteed. Secure your spot today by filling out the registration form below and stay on the lookout for a confirmation email. RSVP by May 18th.


Date and time


Tuesday, May 30 · 9am – 3pm EDT


Universal EventSpace 6250 Highway 7 Vaughan, ON L4H 4G3 Canada

Free event!

Sign up free here.


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